LOVE . : . It's been awhile since we've had a rendezvous . . . BUT if you've been following along with our 2012: Love & Beauty Journey we've been seeing each other every week for the last 24 weeks! ;0))))
2012 has been such a profoundly beautiful, transformative, paradigm-shifting, rock-you-to-the-core type of year and it's all good. It's time for everybody's next level to be experienced and celebrated. Yes?
I began my makeup artist career perfecting how to create a flawless face and the external elements of making my clients look stunning. Lately I've been looking at how I will upgrade how I continue to serve my clients and our community. For the last fifteen years I've been very interested in how to create beauty for my clients on every level. I often say that beauty is the currency that comes from being well; well in your Spirit, mindset, heart, as well as sexually/creatively. Each of these areas in harmony creates one who is magnetically beautiful.
This morning in the wee hours I was compelled to make this video for a rendezvous with you. It also came to me to ask you the same question I've been asking my Self while I prepare for a new era of service.
If you had ONE time to give ONE message to every person in our global community what would that message be?
. : EXERCISE : . Please take a moment, a day, a week, the month, the remainder of 2012 and really BE with this question. Ask your mate, your friends, family, co-workers this question, listen and dialogue. If you allow it, this question could begin a wonderful adventure onto your purpose and contribution to our community and the whole planet really.
Before I go. . .
Here are a few goodies that have enhanced my life in a great way. Take a look, listen and in joy!
EATS & BOOK Recommendation: Sacred Commerce by Matthew & Terces Engelhart cafegratitude.com
MUSICAL ARTIST Recommendation: Valerie June valeriejune.com
My Favorite JEWELRY Alchemist: Fanta Celah fantacelah.com
Please COMMENT, SHARE and LET ME KNOW "If you had ONE time to give ONE message to every person in our global community what would that message be?"
Copyright 2012 Akua Auset ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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It's totally fine to share this post on your website, ezine, blog or book just please COPY & PASTE the following credit. :)
akua-auset.com | Holistic Beauty Advisor & Author Akua Auset develops magnetic beauties worldwide through wellness. She is the creator of 9 1/2 Weeks: The METAMOORPHOSE Project™ an epic journey of transformation. Akua has worked intimately with the planet's most famous and talented celebrities. She is the author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin' Your Power & Magic and The Eight Elements of The Most Beautiful & Magnetic People On The Planet.
So inspiring! Love is my message (and my biggest lesson): Self love, twin soul love, galactic and personal love, agape love, love and all Her rainbow flavors is my message.
ReplyDeleteWOW! WOW! WOW!
DeleteI love that. :)
Gives me goosebumps! Keep me posted on that message Dearheart.
I also love that your post time is: July 12, 2012 1:20:00 PM PDT
Number beauty.
One of the biggest lessons of my life, I learned this year from you: Our relationships are mirrors through which we see ourselves. If I had one opportunity to share one thing globally, I would choose that lesson. If we are to evolve, we must recognize that we are one. The beauty, love, joy, and pain we see in another is somehow a reflection of our own. It is up to us to use it for our own growth. And then I would cue Maze f. Frankie Beverly "We Are One". ;)