I declared 2012, the year of Love & Beauty and it's been a blast! Rather occupied with The Love & Beauty Journey, it has been quite a magical and expansive journey in every way. Join us if you haven't already. We've got folks from all over the globe that have joined us. CLICK to JOIN.
Returning to The City of Angels (Los Angeles) has been truly exhilarating while connecting and reconnecting with my favorite peeps, places and food. If you're ever in Venice and haven't been, check out Vardo Wine Bar & Gypsy Cafe. The food is yummy, vegan/vegetarian and the place is so cozy and sensual...especially in the evening. A sexy date place for your favorite sweetie.
Everybody Loves A Rockstar, Right?
I've just created a 90-second spot "Everybody Loves A Rockstar, Right?" to introduce myself to the actors and photographers here. I would love to hear your thoughts. Tell me what you think below in the comments section.
In the meantime. . . keep your heads up for my new 30-Day Organic Beauty Detox™. SIGN-UP for UPDATES. I'm just putting the finishing touches on it before we launch. You're going to absolutely love the benefits of it for sure. Beauty is the currency that comes from being well. Yes? ☺
Be well. Declaring perpetual Love, Beauty & Magic for you now!
* Akua Auset *
* Akua Auset *
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Abundant thanks for droppin' some gold on the matter.
* Akua Auset *