Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

no. 25

What would you MOST like me to share at this Talk + Demo?


I will give away 5 FREE TICKETS to attend.  
Deadline: Thursday, 4 Sept. 2014   5 PM Pacific Time

Winners announced on Friday, 5 September.

Instagram: @akuaauset
Facebook: @akuaauset
Twitter: @akuaauset

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

no. 24

On Thursday, September 11th 2014, I will make a live announcement. 
I have a feeling you will be very excited about what I have to share with you. 

...can't wait. 

Details of when and where to come. 

Wonder if you can guess what it is. 

See you soon! 
x o + o 

* Akua Auset *

Thursday, May 15, 2014

no. 23

It's totally fine to share this post on your website, ezine, blog or book just please COPY & PASTE the following credit. :) |  Author/Celebrity Makeup Artist specializing in Holistic Beauty Akua Auset has worked intimately in TV & film with the planet’s most famous and talented people specializing in what she terms, “the healing beauty arts.” A trained medicine woman she is the creator of The Organic Beauty Detox™ and author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin’ Your Power & Magic

More on Wealth + Wellness

Sunday, April 20, 2014

No. 22

your GREATEST beauty + wellness challenge to 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

no. 20


CLICK the PLAY button to view "Life Skills: A Tribute to Bea Harris"

I just returned from traveling to Chicago for a couple of weeks to produce and honor my mother (Bea Harris) on the occasion of her retirement from 47 years of teaching: Life Skills which includes World Cuisine and Home Economics. 

Ever since I can remember she has been my first inspiration and example of what it is to be an extraordinary human being . . . really, a superwomangoddess.

Witnessing my mother's culmination of a beautiful and successful era of service has inspired me to take stock of who I am and my own journey. Going through a legion of documents, photos, art, journals and planners I returned to the City of Angels in a bit of a retrograde. Retrogrades are a time when a planet appears to be going backwards but it's actually at a standstill.  I've been reviewing and researching my life and my Self; utilizing all forms of divination and inquiry.

We are all building legacies as we pass through each moment, day, week, season, year.   The seemingly mundane becomes a body of work later to be reviewed and enjoyed.

After studying my mother's career journey for the last several months, what I was most left with is that Bea Harris discovered what she was born to do and has shared it with love: from the White House, to Seventh Avenue and the islands of the Caribbean in the most profound way through a legion of students of national diversity in whom she planted her seed of Love.  Her story is a beautiful love story that continues to unfold. CLICK the VIDEO above to watch a short film on my phenomenal mother.

So what love story are you (we) creating each day?
What will your (our) legacy look like after 47 days?

This week I salute and honor the greatest love of my life: Bea Harris.
Copyright 2013 Akua Auset ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
- - - - - 
Be Someone's Angel & Share The Gold.
It's totally fine to share this post on your website, ezine, blog or book just please COPY & PASTE the following credit. :) |  Author & Celebrity Makeup Artist-turned-Holistic Beauty Advisor Akua Auset has worked intimately in TV & film with the planet’s most famous and talented people specializing in what she terms, “the healing beauty arts.” A trained medicine woman she is the creator of The Organic Beauty Detox™ and author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin’ Your Power & Magic

Thursday, May 23, 2013

no. 19

I always heard growing up that "Pretty is, as pretty does." Word.

So before we focus habits of holistic beauty I always begin with my mindset i.e. consciousness. Perception of beauty is all in the head anyway. Right?

This week's "Frolicking Naked Diary" is about another of my favorite topics: Love Affairs.

I've know for awhile (and heard even longer) that "before you can love another you must first love yourself."  Blah, blah, blah . . .  HOW THE HELL DO YOU DO THAT?!!  LOL. ;)))

It's like when my mother used to say, "Just be yourself." How do you master the undefinable?
Well I think I've figured it out. Check it out. 

xoxox Akua

Copyright 2013 Akua Auset ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
- - - - - 
Be Someone's Angel & Share The Gold.
It's totally fine to share this post on your website, ezine, blog or book just please COPY & PASTE the following credit. :) |  Author & Celebrity Makeup Artist-turned-Holistic Beauty Advisor Akua Auset has worked intimately in TV & film with the planet’s most famous and talented people specializing in what she terms, “the healing beauty arts.” A trained medicine woman she is the creator of The Organic Beauty Detox™ and author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin’ Your Power & Magic

Saturday, May 18, 2013

no. 18

 Do you ever feel like you're in a fog, lethargic, lazy, seeking comfort from food?
I certainly have. In these two video diaries I share my prescription for all of the above.

I'm going to be a Beautiful, Benevolent Bombshell in a Bikini this summer.  

JOIN me?

Want the recipes I used?  
Scroll down. :)

7 Days of Butt Kicking! [no. 12] Video Diary

What products/tools/recipes did I use?
Note: All products are HBAC-Approved unless noted by an asterisk. *

For HBAC-Approved products visit: The Healing Beauty Arts Council     

Cocoa Protein Morning Drink*  
1 c. almond milk
1 TBSP. raw cocoa powder
1 TBSP. spirulina powder
¼ tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. Raw Honey (add amount to your taste)

Makes one serving. Blend these ingredients in a blender.

SuperHero Elixir*   
1 stalk of basil clusters
3 stalks of celery
1 small fuji apple

Makes one serving. Juice these ingredients in a juicer.

* Measurements are approximate as I just follow my creative voice when making it each time.


Copyright 2013 Akua Auset ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
- - - - - 
Be Someone's Angel & Share The Gold.
It's totally fine to share this post on your website, ezine, blog or book just please COPY & PASTE the following credit. :)

 |  Author & Celebrity Makeup Artist-turned-Holistic Beauty Advisor Akua Auset has worked intimately in TV & film with the planet’s most famous and talented people specializing in what she terms, “the healing beauty arts.” A trained medicine woman she is the creator of  

        CLICK TO GET THE BOOK.               



Thursday, May 2, 2013

no. 17

SUMMER 2013: Beautiful, Benevolent Bombshells 

JOIN me?

 On March 9th this year, in a very special Frolicking Naked Diary (video) I shared myself in a way I never have with the goal of becoming a Beautiful, Benevolent Bombshell in a Bikini this summer.  I had a bit of a "set-back.". . . although not really.  I'm back on track.  

JOIN me?

"Preserve yourself by following the natural bends of things and don't interfere.
. . . in order to control myself I must accept myself by going with, and not against, my nature."
- Bruce Lee

Copyright 2013 Akua Auset ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
- - - - - 

Be Someone's Angel & Share The Gold.
It's totally fine to share this post on your website, ezine, blog or book just please COPY & PASTE the following credit. :) |  Author & Celebrity Makeup Artist-turned-Holistic Beauty Advisor Akua Auset has worked intimately in TV & film with the planet’s most famous and talented people specializing in what she terms, “the healing beauty arts.”
A trained medicine woman she is the creator of 
The Organic Beauty Detox™ and author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin’ Your Power & Magic

        CLICK TO GET THE BOOK.               



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

no. 16

                #1 How To Heal A Broken Heart           #2 Desire, Clarity, Genius: Michael Jordan

This week you get two-for-one because I've been in a "Spin Cycle." 
Huh? Yes. Spin Cycle.  

Sometimes we get weighed down with things in our lives that we no longer require. Lesson learned. Chapter complete. If you think of completing phases in our lives like clothes going through a wash cycle: Wash & Bleach, Rinse, Spin, Dry, Wear!

That's what it's been like for me the last several months of my life. I've just come out of a dizzying spin cycle, shaking myself out and getting my bearings after a tsunami-like whirling, 'round and 'round with my eyes closed.  

The beginning of the "I Feel Insecure: Letting Go Of My Little Monster" video diary series was such a pivotal action of my "Wash & Bleach, Rinse" cycles. I let a lot go and bid farewell to my lovely locks. So you know what came next... SPIN!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!

So if this resonates or you feel like, "Oh my God Akua! Me too!", you'll really enjoy these two "Frolicking Naked Video Diaries." 

Enjoy Beautiful! There's such Love, Beauty & Divine Magic where we stand. Breath Deep and Give Thanks. xoxox Akua

Copyright 2013 Akua Auset ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
- - - - - 
Be Someone's Angel & Share The Gold.
It's totally fine to share this post on your website, ezine, blog or book just please COPY & PASTE the following credit. :) |  Author & Celebrity Makeup Artist-turned-Holistic Beauty Advisor Akua Auset has worked intimately in TV & film with the planet’s most famous and talented people specializing in what she terms, “the healing beauty arts.” A trained medicine woman she is the creator of The Organic Beauty Detox™ and author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin’ Your Power & Magic

Thursday, March 28, 2013

no. 15

This week's "Frolicking Naked Diary" is about my favorite topic: Love & Relationships.

We established early in our "Frolicking Naked" journey that "being happy" is the ultimate beauty regimen.  So what there is to do is to remove or neutralize anything that keeps us from being peaceful and happy.  In the area of "blindspots" and "patterns" in my life, I did a little scientific experiment. 

I went to some of my former Loves and asked, "What Was It Like Being In A Relationship With Me?" I got answers and a lot more than I asked for; I got a HUGE BREAKTHROUGH!  Take a look and get ready for your own assignment. :)

xoxox Akua

Want to know what products I used in the video?  
Scroll down. :)

Love & Relationships: 
Learning From Your Ex [no. 7] Video Diary

What products/tools did I use?
Note: All products are HBAC-Approved unless noted by an asterisk. *

•  Beauty Minerals (My own personal formula. Available now in my boutique.

                        For HBAC-Approved products visit: The Healing Beauty Arts Council                                           

Copyright 2013 Akua Auset ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
- - - - - 
Be Someone's Angel & Share The Gold.
It's totally fine to share this post on your website, ezine, blog or book just please COPY & PASTE the following credit. :) |  Author & Celebrity Makeup Artist-turned-Holistic Beauty Advisor Akua Auset has worked intimately in TV & film with the planet’s most famous and talented people specializing in what she terms, “the healing beauty arts.” A trained medicine woman she is the creator of The Organic Beauty Detox™ and author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin’ Your Power & Magic

Thursday, March 21, 2013

no. 14

. . . Maintaining the Queendom
. . . Seeking the Queendom Within
. . . Nurturing the Goddesshood
. . . Being a Muse

This week's "Frolicking Naked Diary" was inspired by a documentary film I saw this week.
 Carmen & Geoffrey
Sometimes a man's perspective is exactly what is needed to make things more clear. And I'll share in this week's video diary the thing Geoffrey Holder said about his wife Carmen de Lavallade that made me take pause. It's a wonderful standard to create for yourself as well as in your union. The ultimate celebration of one's Self is how we take care for Self. When THAT is in order Beautiful . . . SO MUCH magic and inspiration occurs in, around and about you. Are you up for some magic and inspiration?  Happy Spring! xoxox Akua

Want to know what products I used in the video?  
Scroll down. :)

Are You A Queen?  
Maintainin' Your Queendom [no. 6] Video Diary

What products/tools did I use?
Note: All products are HBAC-Approved unless noted by an asterisk. *

•  Sunflower Seed Butter (Trader Joe's)*
•  Raw Flax Seed Crackers *

                        For HBAC-Approved products visit: The Healing Beauty Arts Council                                           

Copyright 2013 Akua Auset ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
- - - - - 
Be Someone's Angel & Share The Gold.
It's totally fine to share this post on your website, ezine, blog or book just please COPY & PASTE the following credit. :) |  Author & Celebrity Makeup Artist-turned-Holistic Beauty Advisor Akua Auset has worked intimately in TV & film with the planet’s most famous and talented people specializing in what she terms, “the healing beauty arts.” A trained medicine woman she is the creator of The Organic Beauty Detox™ and author of SUPERWOMEN & GODDESSES: Workin’ Your Power & Magic